Weekly News 13th December 2024
Dear Parents and Carers
"Help us remember the most important things this season: The love of our family, the beauty of the world, the many things we have to be thankful for, Friends and food and shelter".
Christmas Fair
Many thanks to all who turned up and supported our Christmas Fair. It was a little too cold and dark for us to hold the fair outside and although it was a little bit of a squash and a squeeze all went well.
A special great big thankyou to all who helped make the fair a great success in the weeks running up to the fair and manning the stalls on the day. We could not have done it without you.
Many thanks to Father Christmas and his helpers for visiting us at what must be a very busy time for them.
Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity Performances
We have two performances this week of our Nativity: Tuesday 17th at 1:30p.m and Thursday 19th at 9:15a.m. All are welcome to attend but seats are limited by the size of the school hall.
Carol Service 6:00 p.m. Thursday 19th St Simon’s Church
On Thursday 19th December we are holding our Key Stage 2 Carol Service in St Simon’s Church. The children are expected to be in church for 5:45p.m. so that the service can start promptly at 6:00p.m. The service should last around 40 minutes.
Reconciliation for Key Stage 2 Children
As part of our Advent Preparations Catholic children in Key stage 2 will be able to receive the sacrament of reconciliation on Tuesday 17th December. Our Non Catholic children are also welcome to receive pastoral support and a blessing from Fr Jose.
School Christmas Dinner Day
On Wednesday 18th December those children who have requested a school Christmas Dinner will be able to enjoy this. The children if they wish may also wear their Christmas Jumpers on this day.
End of Term Mass
On Friday 20th December this is the last day of term and the whole school will be attending Mass in St Simon’s Church at 9:30a.m. As with all our liturgies parents and carers are most welcome to attend.
Christmas Party Time
On the afternoon of Friday 20th December we are holding our class Christmas Parties. If parents and carers could send in a plate of party food for their child to enjoy we will provide the drinks and the fun and games.
Catholic Schools Inspection
I have received the final published report from our recent Catholic Schools Inspection. We are very pleased with what the inspection team had to say about the school. Many thanks to all parents and carers who contributed to the report either by speaking to the inspection team or by completing the online questionnaire.
On Monday I will publish the report on our website and we will send home a hard copy so that everyone will be able to celebrate in what we as a school have achieved.
With best wishes
Peter McCabe