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St Simon of England RC Primary School

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

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"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Weekly News Friday 10th January


Dear Parents and Carers


“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a slightly belated Happy New Year. I hope everyone managed to get some rest and relaxation over the Christmas holidays.


Multicultural Fortnight

Over the next two weeks the children will participating in our multicultural fortnight in which they will have the opportunity to learn about other religions and culture.


Year R will focus on the different cultures of children in their class. Year 1 and 2 will be looking at Judaism, Year 3 Hinduism, Year 4 Sikhism, Year 5 Islam and Year 6 Buddhism.


The work covered will enable children to develop skills such as: recognise, retell, describe, explain and ask questions about Celebrations of the faith and the ways the people of other faiths live their lives.


French Café

French is the modern foreign language studied across the school. To help practice their French language skills on Wednesday 15th January the children will have the opportunity to participate in a “French Café” set up in the school hall and run by our Year 6 children.


This should prove to be good fun for the children while at the same time enabling them to practice their French and sample a little bit of French culture.


Pizza The Action Day

On Thursday 16th the children will be able to choose a school lunch based around different types of Pizza with a side order of potato wedges, cucumber and tomato salad and a dessert of vanilla or chocolate ice-cream.


Apologies for no Hot Dinners Today

A fault with the extraction system in the kitchen meant that we had no gas supply to cook todays meals so unfortunately the children had to have a cold lunch provided today. The fault in the system has been identified and another engineer will be out first thing bon Monday morning to resolve the issue.


School Choir at Mass

On Sunday 19th January the children are invited to support the parish with their singing at the 10:00a.m Mass. It would be lovely if as many children as possible could join as their singing and presence at the celebration helps to make the occasion even more special.


Election of Parent Governor

We have two vacancies for parent governors on our Local Governance Committee. We are seeking applications from parents who would like to play an active role in supporting the strategic development of the school (helping to make the school even better) and I am therefore inviting you to consider standing for election.


The role involves attending termly meetings, attending relevant training as well as supporting the monitoring of different aspects of the children’s education.


No special qualifications are needed, the most important thing is to have a keen interest in the school and be prepared to play an active part in the Governance Committee work.


For more details, please read the letter sent home with your children today which can also be found on the Latest News Tab of our website or speak to me or any of the Local Governance Committee.


With Best Wishes


Peter McCabe

Our Mission and Values

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Read Our Vision & Values

Trust Information

St Simon of England RC Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Simon of England RC Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
