Weekly News Friday 13th September
Dear Parents and Carers
“Jesus is not a figure from the past: he continues now and always to light the way for us.” Pope Francis
“Meet and Greets”
It was lovely to see so many parents attending our “Meet and Greets” at the beginning of term. These meetings allow us to pass on important information to parent and carers and they give you the opportunity to show your support for your children’s education.
Beginning of Term Mass
Today we celebrated the beginning of term with Mas at St Simon’s Church. The children’s behaviour and singing were excellent throughout. Well done children.
Year 6 Pupils Kent Test
22 of our Year 6 class took the Kent Test on Thursday this week. This was a very long day we started the testing process at 9:00a.m and finished at 2:15p.m. (We did allow them breaks in between) The children taking part gave their very best and we are very proud of them.
School Values Week
Next week we are celebrating our School Values Week when the children will be looking at our values of Love, Peace, Faith, Courage, Forgiveness and Respect. Each class will complete work on one of these values and this work will be placed on display in the school hall.
It is excellent to see the school coming back to “life again” in this new academic year with lots of work already on display throughout the school.
House Captains and School Council Elections
This week the children elected their House Captains and school councillors. This is very important as it gives the children the opportunity to take part in a democratic vote. Our House Captains and School Councillors then represent the children in making decisions around the school such as improving playtimes, choosing charities to fund raise for and also help to decide how they spend money raised by the children at Christmas Fair and other events.
To find out who our new House Captains and School Councillors are check out the School Council page on our Website.
Friday Footie Club
We have started up Friday Footie Club once again for Year 5 and 6 to start off with. Once we have got Year 5 and 6 settled we will then open the club up to Year 4 as well. Hopefully this will be before the end of this term and before the weather turns.
Ashford Eat Well and Spend Less & Wellbeing Roadshow
On Wednesday 18th September at Harpers Community Hub and outside space from 10am – 3pm there will be a Roadshow run by various agencies providing parents and carers with:
- Expert advice on looking after yourself (and your bank balance!)
- Guidance on additional support services that may be available to you
- Free recipe bags with ingredients for you to take home and try
If you want more information please pick up a flier from the office reception area or look at the posters on display.
With best wishes
Peter McCabe