Weekly News Friday 18th October
Dear Parents and Carers
“Be brave. Let us learn to face moments of difficulty with courage, certain that the Lord never fails to give his support.” Pope Francis
Harvest Festival
Congratulations to Year 3 who led the whole school in our Harvest Festival liturgy. The children did a wonderful job saying thank you for all the blessings that we have received while at the same time thinking about those who need our help.
Many thanks to everyone who made donations of tinned and dried food which made up our Harvest Display and will be donated to the Bright City Church to distribute to those in need in and around Ashford.
Choir at Mass
Our school choir are invited to sing at 10:00a.m Mass this Sunday. The children’s singing helps to make the celebration of Mass that little bit extra special.
The school choir along with St Teresa’s choir have been invited to sing at the Diocesan Headteachers Conference on Thursday 7th November. (More details to follow next week) This is a great honour for both schools and I am sure that the children will do us all proud.
Kent Test Results
The Year 6 children who participated in the Kent Test received their results this week. Some of our children will be very pleased with their results while some of our children will be disappointed if things didn’t go as well as they would have liked.
Having joined the children during the testing process I know that all our children gave their very best and we should all be very proud of how hard the children have worked.
Times Tables Rock Stars Results
Well done to all in Key Stage 2 who took part in our boys against the girls tournament.
Year 3 Boys are the winners
Year 4 Girls are the winners
Year 5 Girls are the winners
Year 6 Girls are the winners
Congratulations to Year 3 they had 100% participation
Next competition will be in November which is “England Rocks” when our school will be competing against 100’s of other schools across England.
School Sponsored Walk Friday 25th October
The children will be participating in a sponsored walk around the school grounds on Friday 25th October. (Let’s pray for good weather)
Each class is to dress on a different theme:
Year R Non-school uniform
Year 1 Non-school uniform
Year 2 Dress to Impress
Year 3 Kings and Queens
Year 4 Harry Potter
Year 5 Disney
Year 6 Pyjamas
The children always enjoy this event which raises quite a lot of fund for our school council to use on their projects.
Flu Vaccinations
Many of our children took up the offer of having a Flu Vaccine this week. If you missed this opportunity you may be able to access this service via your G.P surgery.
I am very pleased to share with you that the school nurse administering the vaccine this week commented on how the children in St Simon’s School were the nest behaved out of all the schools she has visited. Well done children.
With best wishes
Peter McCabe