Weekly News Friday 20th December 2024
Dear Parents and Carers
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
We see ourselves at the end of a very busy term with the season of Advent drawing to a close which means that the great celebration of Christmas is nearly upon us.
It is a very exciting time in school with the children all looking forward to Christmas and spending time with family and of course the giving and receiving of presents.
Christmas Fair
I would like to thank everyone for their support with our Christmas Fair we could not have done this without you and all the kind donations towards the stalls, raffles etc. I will inform everyone how much we have raised when we have the final total.
Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity
This was a huge success. Many thanks to all the parents and carers who came along to watch the performances. It certainly was entertaining and the children did ever so well.
We experienced quite a lot of illness among the children for both performances but the children in school bravely filled in for those who weren’t there and the performances weren’t affected in any way.
Well done to all the school adults for helping the children prepare.
Carol Service
Well done to Mrs Withey-Harrison for putting together all the music for the Key Stage 2 Carol Service. We are blessed to have such a gifted and talented teacher who brings out the musical talents in our children.
The singing in St Simon’s is a strength and the children were excellent throughout all our events this week.
Trust Newsletter
For the latest news across our trust can be found on our trust newsletter which can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n5F34CdAKs5ZnQZcuNEDO_TlntRjJKRX/view?usp=sharing
Or on our website on our News and Events tab:
Ashford Family Hub Timetable
Details of the Ashford Family Hub timetable for events over the Christmas period can be found here on our website: https://www.st-simon.kent.sch.uk/willow-centreearly-help/
Finally, may I wish everyone a Happy, Holy and Peaceful Christmas.
Best wishes
Peter McCabe