Weekly News Friday 24 January 2025
Dear Parents and Carers
“Hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” Rom 5 1-2.5
Jubilee 2025
Today we joined schools from across our diocese to launch the Jubilee 2025. The Jubilee is held every 25 years and was launched by Pope Francis on the 24 December 2024.
Pope Francis is calling all of us to be: “Pilgrims bringing hope, peace and love to people’s hearts”.
We launched the Jubilee with a special assembly in which our prayer leaders reminded us of Pope Francis’ call for us to work for justice, peace and love.
Children’s Mental Health Week
The week beginning Monday 10th February is Children’s Mental Health Week. To remind the children about looking after their mental health and to think about bringing joy and happiness the children are encouraged to wear a colour that makes them feel happy on Wednesday the 5th of February.
If you are concerned about your child’s mental health or well-being, check out our well-being page which can be found on our website: https://www.st-simon.kent.sch.uk/mental-health-and-well-being/
Monitoring what your children are watching and doing online!
Recently we have seen an increase in children playing very aggressive games or acting out what they have been watching or playing online outside of school.
We have also had an increase in children using very inappropriate language. Could I ask parents to monitor what their children are accessing online or while watching YouTube etc.
Parents should look at our latest online safety newsletter for further advice on this which can be found on our News and Events Tab.
School Uniform
Reminder to all parents and carers all pupils are expected to wear full school uniform which includes a school P.E kit for P.E lessons.
Breakfast and After-school Club
Plans are well underway to extend the hours of our after-school club until 6:00p.m for working parents and we are very hopeful that this will be operating from the beginning of next term.
We are still running our normal Breakfast Club and After-school Club however I need to remind parents and carers that we as a school can only offer a maximum of 24 places.
Parents need to book places in advance using a booking form which is available from the school office or here: https://www.st-simon.kent.sch.uk/school-clubs/
Booking in advance means that we can make sure that we have enough staff to supervise and plan activities for the children as well as making sure we have enough food to feed the children.
We can not accept children on an “ad hoc basis” we may be able to accept children in an emergency but this will still be subject to space availability.
Parking Again
I thought we were all getting better at this? I know that the weather hasn’t been very good lately but that isn’t any excuse for inconsiderate parking and for parents parking or reversing dangerously around the school gates. Please for safety of everyone show care and consideration.
With best wishes
Peter McCabe