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St Simon of England RC Primary School

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

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"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Weekly News Friday 31 January 2025

Dear Parents and Carers

“Always know in your heart that God is by your side. Let us never lose hope!”


Visit from our Trust’s Chief Executive Officer

On Friday 7th February at 9:30a.m we will receive a visit from Mrs Annemarie Whittle our Chief Executive Officer and other representatives from our trust.


Mrs Whittle as part of the Jubilee Year has been asked by Archbishop John Wilson to visit every Catholic Primary School in Kent and Medway to present a special Jubilee candle.


We are all looking forward to our visitors and I am sure that our children will make a very good impression on them with their excellent behaviour and attitude to learning.


Year 3 and Year 1 Visits to Victoria Park

As part of their geography studies Year 3 will be visiting Victoria Park on Monday 3rd February to carry out fieldwork surveying the trees in the park.


Year 1 will be visiting Victoria park on Wednesday 5th February to look at the environment. Children in both classes will need appropriate footwear and a coat. If the weather isn’t good the visits will be postponed.


Children’s Mental Health Week

The week beginning the 3rd February is children’s mental health week. The children have been shown strategies to help promote good mental health. On Wednesday 5th February the children are asked to come to school wearing a colour that makes them happy- NO FOOTBALL KITS PLEASE!

For further information and well-being please visit our mental health and well-being page on our website:


Music Week

The week beginning 10th February we are holding a Music Week. Mrs Withey Harrison and the children have been working hard to prepare for a music concert on Thursday 13th February at 2:00p.m.


Children will be performing music based on the book “Giraffe’s Can’t Dance” by Giles Andreae.


Parents are very welcome to attend but please remember it will be a squash and a squeeze to get everyone into the hall so no push chairs.


Wrap Around Care- Breakfast and Afterschool Club

We run our Breakfast Club from 7:45a.m until 8:30 a.m. when the school gates are open. We have our After school Club which currently runs from 3:15 until 4:30p.m. From the beginning of term 4 we are extending our after school club until 6:00p.m. for working parents who require this.

There will be an additional charge for the additional hours. All payments must be made using a valid ParentPay account costs are as follows:


Breakfast Club                                                   £3:00

After school Club until 4:30p.m                      £4:00

Extended After school Club                           £8:00


Parents must book for Breakfast Club After school Club in advance and not on a “Ad Hoc basis” as we need to make sure that we have enough staff to cover the children.



If anyone has any old scooters that are still usable that they would like to donate to the school for the children to use on our scooter track these would be greatly appreciated.


INSET Days Coming Up

This is a reminder that Friday 14th February and Monday 24th February are staff training days so half term holidays for the children will begin on the 14th February and the children are expected to return to school on Tuesday 25th February.



Today I had a complaint from a parent who was very upset as another parent had nearly reversed into his daughter. As the parent was speaking to me we both witnessed another parent driving down Noakes Meadow at a speed which was excessive for a road outside a school.


If parents and carers aren’t more careful we are going to have a nasty accident were a child may get hurt. I am sure that no one would like to see this happen so please can drivers take care when dropping off and picking up children.


I will pass the complaint onto Ashford Police.


Kindest regards



Peter McCabe

Our Mission and Values

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Read Our Vision & Values

Trust Information

St Simon of England RC Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Simon of England RC Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
