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St Simon of England RC Primary School

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

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"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Weekly News Friday 15 March 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

“Let us ask for the grace to follow Jesus faithfully, not in words but in deeds.” Pope Francis

Hockey Festival

Unfortunately, the Hockey Festival on Tuesday was a wash out. Our Year 4 children did get to compete in a number of games and did very well despite being completely soaked through. Our Year 6 team didn’t play as the afternoon session was cancelled due to the weather conditions. Well done Year 4!


Parent Evenings

We have had excellent attendance at our parent evenings on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Many thanks to everyone who completed one of our parent questionnaires. Your views really do matter to us and although I haven’t had the time to have a proper look at all the returned questionnaires on first glance they are all extremely positive.


If you haven’t been able to make an appointment this week if you contact the school office, I am sure that we can arrange an appointment at a later date.


Lenten Fund Raising

This week the children were challenged to wear all the colours of the rainbow for donations towards the Pilgrims Hospice. We have raised an amazing £427.70. Well done to all for taking part.


Next week the children are taking part in our Year 6 Activity Afternoon where our Year 6 pupils design activities for the other children to take part in. Further details next week.


Easter Egg Raffle

Parents have been very generous with donating Easter Eggs for our raffle one of our families has made a fantastic donation of over 73 eggs which is terrific. We are still looking for donations of Easter Eggs for our raffle on Thursday 28thMarch. Tickets will be on sale next week.


Holy Week

With Holy Week approaching on the week beginning Monday 25th March the children in Key Stage 2 will have the opportunity to take part in Reconciliation for those who have made their First Holy Communion. The other children are offered pastoral support from the priest if they wish.

On Tuesday 26th March at 9:30a.m the children will be attending Mass in the Church. Parents and carers are welcome to join us.


On Thursday 28th March which is Holy Thursday the children will in Year 4 will lead us in our Passion Reflection when we pause and think about the great sacrifice of Jesus dying on the cross. This is usually a very moving liturgy. Parents and Carers are most welcome.


Well done to all the children who supported with singing at Mass for Mother’s Day the parishioners really appreciate the children singing.


The Wizard of Oz

On Monday 18th March we have M and M Productions performing their version of “The Wizard of Oz” for the whole school to enjoy.


Data Collection Sheets

Many thanks to all who have returned their data collection and consent slips. Please can parents remember to put the child’s name on the sheet so we know who it applies to.


Parents also need to consent to allowing Accelerated Reader, Purple Mash and MyMaths to handle children’s data otherwise they will not be able to use any of these platforms in school.


School Dinners

If your child has to pay for a school dinner, there needs to be enough funds in their ParentPay account to cover the cost of meals. We do not wish to be in the position where our catering company are refusing to provide meals for parents and carers who haven’t paid their debts.


Concerns about Children

If you have any concerns about your child at the end of school, please speak to the class teacher after they have safely dismissed the other children or make an appointment via the school office.


With best wishes


Peter McCabe

Our Mission and Values

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Read Our Vision & Values

Trust Information

St Simon of England RC Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Simon of England RC Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
