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St Simon of England RC Primary School

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

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"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Plan September 2024





The Equality Act 2010 replaces previous discrimination law and provides a single piece of legislation covering all the types of discrimination that are unlawful. Schools and Local Authorities have to carry out accessibility planning for disabled Students. The duties are the same as those in the previous Disability Discrimination legislation and have been replicated in the new Act. The approach of the school to meet the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 is set out fully in the Single Equality Policy.


The definition of disability under the law is a wide one. A disabled person, as defined under the Equality Act 2010, is someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term negative effect to do normal daily activities. If a person has been disabled in the past they are still covered by the legislation for the rest of their life.


Aims of St Simon of England R.C Primary School Accessibility Plan


The school plans, over time to increase the accessibility of provision for all students, staff and visitors to the school. The main priorities in the school’s plan will be in the following areas:


  • Improving the physical environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled students can take advantage of education and associated services.

  • Increasing the extent to which disabled students can participate in the school Curriculum.

  • Improving the communication to disabled students, staff, parents and visitors of information that is provided in writing for students and adults who are non-disabled.


The actions planned to meet these aims are set in the three sections below:




St Simon of England Accessibility Plan

Physical Environment








Short term within 1 Year


Ensure provision for current students is suitable.


Review toilet and building access arrangements in place for current students eg. Handrails, ramps


Site manager, Health and Safety Governor Report to Finance Committee.


Consultation with MAT Property Management Consults

Term 1 each year




Ensure staff training including First Aid training and DSL is in place to support needs of current student body


Review how current student needs are being met.


Finance Business Manager/ Staff CPD coordinator


Term 1 each year




Ensure parking and access to building for physically disabled students and their parents when they visit the school is in place


Review current arrangement


Site manager, Health and Safety Governor Report to Finance Committee.


Consultation with MAT Property Management Consults

Term 1 each year


Medium term

(more than 1 year)


Ensure automatic electronic gate access to school carpark for disabled visitors and staff

When budget allows installation of automatic gate access to carpark

Head teacher and Governing Body

When budget allows


Accessing the Curriculum

Short term

(less than 1 year)


Ensure compliance with Equalities Act 2010


Staff and governors informed of requirements and obligations of Single Equalities Act 2010, and of the Accessibility Plan


Review of policy and provision at Curriculum Committee Governors meetings


 Term 3




Ensure curriculum meets the needs of all students


Curriculum review process to include consideration of curriculum needs of all students including those with a disability


SLT and Curriculum Committee

Term 1 and 2 each year




Ensure student disability is identified and that reasonable adjustments are made in provision


Special Educational Needs and Disability SEND plan for each student identified is in place in September of each year

SENCO Inclusion manager ensure review of any SEND plan/provision mapping

July September each year



Ensure all groups of students with common needs have support and appropriate adjustments to provision eg Pupil Premium, EAL, SEND, ethnic minority

Identification of students and notification to staff of students in groups


Monitoring and checking of progress at tracking through year.



Term 1 each Year reviewed termly at progress meetings



Ensure students with a disability have fair access to school educational visits

Staff planning trips include provision for students with a disability






Access to information normally provided in written form

Short term within a Year


Ensure students with difficulties in using language are supported in the delivery of the curriculum


Literacy needs identified throughout the year


Accelerated reader assessment and SEND assessment/Literacy Coordinator and SENCO


When needs arise termly




Ensure students with visual and/or hearing impairment have access to the curriculum


Identification of needs of students joining the school with hearing and/or visual impairment


Teaching staff to be made aware of students in their class with hearing impairment and to plan lessons /Admissions clerk, Phase leaders and SENCO appropriately


When need arises




Ensure access arrangements are in place for visually impaired and hearing impaired for all Statutory Assessment

Identification of needs of students joining the school

Assessment coordinator/headteacher to arrange access through NCT tools website

February each academic year online portal



Review Date: September 2025

Related Policies

This Plan will contribute to the review and revision of related school policies, e.g.

  • SEND policy

  • Single Equality policy

  • EAL/New arrivals Policy

  • Behavioural Management Policy


Our Mission and Values

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Read Our Vision & Values

Trust Information

St Simon of England RC Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Simon of England RC Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
