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St Simon of England RC Primary School

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

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"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Pupil Premium


What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.





Who is Entitled to Pupil Premium?

Schools receive the following funding:


  • For pupils in Reception to Year 6 who are registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years, the school receives £1,480 per pupil
  • Schools will receive a Pupil Premium Plus payment of £2570  for any pupil  identified in the school census as being in Local authority care or having left local authority care as a result of:
  • adoption
  • a special guardianship order

  • a child arrangements order, 

  • being in local authority care for 1 day or more 

  • being recorded as both eligible for FSM in the last 6 years and as being looked after (or as having left local authority care)


  • Schools will also receive £340 for pupils in year groups Reception to Year 6 recorded as a service child (currently or in the last 6 years), or for those in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.


 The amount received depends on the number of children who are known to be eligible across the school.


As a school community the following principles will be applied for the use of Pupil Premium funding. The use of the money is closely tracked to ensure impact on children's learning and well-being.


The local Governing Board and the KCSP Trust has agreed with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team that the following principles will be applied for the use of Pupil Premium funding. The use of the money is closely tracked to ensure impact on children's learning and well-being.

As a community, at St Simon's we will:

  • be committed to raising standards and narrowing the attainment gaps for all of our pupils.
  • Maintain the highest expectations of all pupils and not equate disadvantage of circumstance with ‘low ability’.
  •  Promote an inclusive and collaborative ethos,consistent with our shared commitment to Gospel Values, which enables pupils with disadvantaged backgrounds to thrive along with their peers.
  •  Organise teaching and learning to meet the needs of all our children in the best way possible, through the provision of good quality first teaching within a rich, broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Continuously develop the expertise of our teaching staff to ensure excellent implementation of learning. 
  • Ensure clear analysis and identification of need before allocating the use of Pupil Premium to support appropriate, timely and targeted interventions according to need.






At St. Simon's we have taken the EEF tiered approach as a framework to balance different forms of support, including teaching, targeted academic support and wider strategies.

This approach also helps us to focus on a small number of strategies that are likely to make the biggest difference.




Policy and Strategy

KCSP. Three Year Pupil Premium Strategy. 2020-2023.

Ten for Ten.

The KCSP Pupil Premium Strategy recognises that pupils who live with disadvantage, who may be in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, do not always have access to rich cultural and spiritual opportunities.
The 10:10 programme has been implemented in all KCSP academies to address this and to ensure that all pupils, including the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, “may have life, and have it to the full.”
At St Simon’s Catholic Primary School, our whole school 10 for 10 plan aims to ensure opportunities:


To give each child the space to develop their knowledge to experience and appreciate the awe and wonder of God in our natural environment.


To give each child the opportunity to develop an appreciation of cultural diversity and heritage.


Represent the school in a sports event or competition.


Learn to swim


Learn to play a musical instrument.


Perform in a play or participate in a public speaking event.


Have the opportunity to work with a professional artist on an arts project.


Participate in a mini enterprise or business


Use technology to produce a multimedia project or presentation.


Take part in a residential school trip.

Our Ten for Ten helps us to aspire.

We invite our Alumini back to share their journey and success and to make us think that any thing is possible.


Our Mission and Values

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Read Our Vision & Values

Trust Information

St Simon of England RC Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Simon of England RC Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
