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St Simon of England RC Primary School

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

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"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Weekly News Friday 19 July 2024

    Sat 20 Jul 2024


    Dear Parents and Carers


    We thank you, Lord God, For all that was good during the past school year,

    Both the things we remember and the things we have forgotten.

    We ask you to continue to take care of us during the Summer holidays,

    Keep us safe from harm, protect us from danger.

    Help us to enjoy the long hours of sunlight And be glad of the company of family and friends.

    We pray for all in this school community –

    May they have a happy Summer.

    And when September comes around, May we be glad to meet together again.



    We are at the end of the academic year it has been a pleasure working with you all this year and while we are all looking forward to a well-earned rest we are also looking forward to the joys that a new academic year will bring.


    Farewell Year 6, Miss Wood and Ms West

    Today we say farewell to our wonderful Year 6 as they prepare to begin the next part of their education in their different secondary schools. It has been a pleasure to share in the education of the children.

    We also said good bye to Miss Wood our Year 6 teacher and to Ms West one of our Year 5 teachers.

    I would like to thank the children and Miss Wood and Ms West for all the gifts that they have brought to the school. We will miss them but wish them the very best of luck for the future.

    Good bye and Good Luck Children and Miss Wood and Ms West!


    Welcome Miss Freeman

    This week we welcomed Miss Freeman who will be teaching our Year 6 class in September. Miss Freeman was able to meet the children she will be teaching next year and some of their parents at school on Wednesday. I am sure everyone will help Miss Freeman to feel very welcome to our school family.


    School Results

    I am very pleased to share that the children in key year groups have achieved some amazing results in recent assessments.

    • 71% of our Reception class have achieved a Good Level of Development
    • 80% of our Year 1 children passed their Phonics Screening Check
    • 70% of Year 2 achieved the expected combined standard in reading, writing and mathematics
    • 73% of Year 4 achieved a mark of 20+ in the Multiplication Times Tables Check
    • 80% of Year 6 achieved the expected standard in reading writing and mathematics

    These results are very impressive as we have improved in all areas compared to last academic year and are either better or in line with the National averages in all areas this year.

    Congratulations to the children, their teachers and support staff.


    Increase in Price of School Meals

    Unfortunately, the price of school meals will increase at the beginning of the next academic year. The new price is £2.95 per meal. Meals need to be paid in advance- for children to receive a school meal ParentPay Accounts need to be in credit.


    School Holiday

    Today we break up for the Summer Holiday and the children are due to return to school on Tuesday 3rd September. On behalf of all at the school I wish everyone a restful summer holiday.


    With best wishes


    Peter McCabe

  • Friday 12-07-24

    Fri 12 Jul 2024


    Dear Parents and Carers


    Isaiah 40:31 “But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.”


    Next week is our last week at school before we break up for the Summer holiday. Today you should have received your child’s final end of year report. This is just a snapshot of your child’s achievements over this year.

    On Wednesday from 3:30p.m until 4:30p.m you have the opportunity to visit the school and look at the children’s work in their classrooms. This is also an excellent time to meet your child’s new teacher.


    Teaching Staff for September

    Year R                   Miss Cole

    Year 1                    Mrs Ling and Mrs Macdonald

    Year 2                    Mrs Hyczko

    Year 3                    Ms Adam

    Year 4                    Mrs Ebenebe

    Year 5                    Mrs Warren and Mr McCabe

    Year 6                    Miss Freeman


    Mrs Withey-Harrison will continue to teach music to all classes and Mr Hunt will continue as our Sports Coach.


    Year 6 Performance

    On Monday 15th July at 6:00p.m. Year 6 will be performing their end of Year Play “The Wrong Way Round” to their parents. I am sure this will be a very entertaining evening if the rehearsals I have seen are anything to go by!

    The rest of the school will be able to watch the performance on Monday 15th at 9:15a.m at the “Dress Rehearsal”.


    End of Term Mass

    On Friday 19th July at 9:30a.m. we will celebrate our end of term Mass at St Simon’s Church all parents and carers are invited to attend.


    Leavers Assembly

    On Friday 19th July at 2:00p.m we will hold our “Leavers Assembly” when we say farewell to our Year 6 children. This assembly is only for our Year 6 and their parents are invited to join the children for the very last time that they will be together as a class at the school.


    Year 4 Football Match

    Today a team of year 4 children played a game of football against Victoria Road Primary School. The children played extremely well showing great sportsmanship and a good competitive spirit. Perhaps Gareth Southgate should have come along to scout for a few more future players!


    The score was 4- 3 to Victoria Road. Well done to both teams.


    England Football Euros 2024

    I am sure that many of you will have heard that England are playing in the final of the Euro 2024 against Spain on Sunday Evening. While many may decide to allow their children to stay up and watch the game Sunday is still a school night and we expect all the children to attend school on time on Monday morning.


    Being Irish and neutral I wish both teams the very best of luck!


    With best wishes




    Peter McCabe

  • Weekly News Thursday 4th July 2024

    Thu 04 Jul 2024


    Dear Parents and Carers

    “God’s will is that we grow in our capacity to welcome one another.” Pope Francis


    The end of the academic year is nearly upon us. We only have two weeks left after this week. Let us all hope that the weather picks up and we can all enjoy a little sunshine.


    We were very fortunate with the weather for our Sports Day,  Family Picnic and our Summer Fair. Many thanks once again for all who turned up and supported the children for these events. I am very pleased to inform you that we have raised £1673 which is a terrific amount of money in such a short time. Well done everyone for such a huge effort.



    Many thanks to Fr Joe who stepped in for Fr Jose this week in offering the sacrament of reconciliation and pastoral support to the children in Key Stage 2 who wished to take up this opportunity.


    Rapid Fire Cricket at Victoria Road Primary

    Well done to our team of Year 2 children who took part in a Rapid-fire Cricket match at Victoria Road. The children enjoyed themselves and displayed great skills and a healthy competitive spirit. Well done children. Thank you to Mr Hunt, Miss Griffin for accompanying the team and to Victoria Road for hosting the event.


    Create Day with The Royal Opera House

    Our Year 4 children took part in an online create day with the Royal Opera House. This was an amazing event for the children as they looked at the rights of the child, the plight of refugees and hope for a greater future for all. This was explored through the media of music, dance and drama.

    I was very privileged to watch the end result live. If you wish to check out what Year 4 were doing look at the link on the Year 4 class page.


    Teddy Bears Picnic

    On Wednesday 10th July from 1:30-2:15p.m our new reception class and their parents are invited to join our existing reception children and their parents for a teddy bears picnic in the school grounds. Let us hope for good weather otherwise we will have to have an indoor picnic!


    Transition Mornings

    Our Year 6 children have been attending transition days at their new secondary schools this week. On Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th we will be holding transition mornings when the children in the rest of the school will move up classes and visit their new teachers for next academic year. This is an excellent opportunity for the teachers and pupils to get to know each other before the next academic year.


    Staff Changes

    We will be saying farewell to Miss Wood in Year 6 who will be moving onto a new school in London we will also say farewell to Ms West who will be moving onto a full-time position in another of our trust’s schools.


    I am sure you will join me in saying thank you to both teachers for all that they have done for the children in St Simon’s. We wish them both the very best of luck in their new schools.


    Miss Wood in Year 6 will be replaced by Miss Freeman in September.


    Mrs Warren has agreed to increase her teaching days from 3 to 4 days in Year 5 and the 5th day will be covered by myself in September. This is a temporary measure until we can find a replacement for Ms West.


    Mrs Morrison will leave us to go on maternity leave early in September so Mrs Ling will cover her absence in Year 1.


    Class Teachers for September

    Year R                   Miss Cole

    Year 1                    Mrs Ling and Mrs Macdonald

    Year 2                    Mrs Hyczko

    Year 3                    Ms Adam

    Year 4                    Mrs Ebenebe

    Year 5                    Mrs Warren and Mr McCabe

    Year 6                    Miss Freeman


    End of Year Reports

    On Friday 12th July you will receive your child’s end of year report. There is the opportunity to view your child’s work on Wednesday 17th July from 3:30p.m until 4:30p.m. when we will hold an Open Evening. There will be no formal timed appointments but this is an excellent opportunity to say hello to your child’s new class teacher as well as look at the work the children have been doing across the school.


    Year 6 End of Year Performance

    On Monday 15th July at 6:00p.m. Year 6 will be performing their end of Year Play “The Wrong Way Round” to their parents. I am sure this will be a very entertaining evening if the rehearsals I have seen are anything to go by!


    With best wishes


    Peter McCabe

  • Weekly News Saturday 29th June

    Sat 29 Jun 2024


    Dear Parents and Carers

    “Faith and love are everything, and nothing is more precious than these.” St Ignatius of Antioch


    This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of two great saints who have helped to share faith throughout the world, St Peter and St Paul. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Peter professes his faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus then gives Peter the important task of leading the Church – a duty which is now undertaken by Pope Francis.


    Sports Day, Family Picnic and Summer Fair

    Many thanks to all who supported the children at Sports day, Family Picnic and Summer Fair yesterday. This turned out to be a great day for all. Everyone enjoyed the day and it was good to see everyone getting together as a whole school family.


    It was good to welcome Ashford’s Lady Mayoress Lyn Suddards and Councillor Kate Leavey who joined us for Sports Day and opened the event for us.


    I must say thankyou to all who helped support the children on the day- those who helped organise the Sports Day and those who helped for the Summer Fair both on the day of the fair and leading up to the event. We couldn’t have done this without the help.


    Year 4 Ukulele Concert

    On Monday 1 July at 9:30a.m. Year 4 and Mr P.C’s instrumentalists will be presenting what they have been learning this academic year in a short concert. Parents and carers are most welcome to join us.



    On Tuesday 2 July the children in KS2 who are Catholic will have the opportunity to take part in the sacrament of reconciliation and our non- catholic children will have the opportunity for pastoral support with Fr Jose.


    Year 4 Create Day

    On Tuesday 2nd July Year 4 will be taking part in an online project with the Royal Opera House. I am sure that the children will learn a lot from this experience.


    Lock Down Drill

    The children will be participating in a Lock Down Drill on Wednesday 3rd July. We often practice this drill in case we need to lock down the school for any reason e.g. an intruder, a dangerous dog on the playground or a chemical spill or fire on any of the industrial estates etc.


    We always forewarn you as parents and carers so that you can help prepare the children and so that you don’t worry if the children come home after the drill and say that the school was locked down today.


    At some point in the next academic year we may well have to practice a full evacuation of the school so that we can check that our planned evacuation procedures actually work should we have to do this for real.


    Year 6 School Journey to PGL Marchants Hill

    Next Friday 5th July Year 6 will be leaving for their weekend residential trip to PGL Marchants Hill. The children will leave on Friday morning and will return on Monday afternoon. I am sure that the children will all have a great time. Can all pray for good weather for us, and Miss Wood, Mrs Shouhbridge and I will be praying that Year 6 let us get some sleep!


    Arrangements for Picking up Children afterschool

    Can all parents ensure that if they are making alternative arrangements of someone else picking up their children after school that the school is fully informed of who will be doing the pick-up. This is needed so that we can make sure that the children are kept safe.


    With best wishes


    Peter McCabe

  • Weekly News Saturday 22 July

    Sat 22 Jun 2024

    Dear Parents and Carers


    “One of the greatest gifts the Holy Spirit can bestow on us is to give us calm in the midst of trouble.” St Claude de la Colombiere


    Sports Week

    This week is Sports Week when the children will be taking part in various sporting events and preparing for our annual Sports Day on Friday 28th June. Let’s all pray for good weather.


    The children are asked to come into school wearing their P.E Kit next week.


    We are hoping to start Sports Day at 9:30a.m this will then be followed by a family picnic on the school field at around 12:00 and then our Summer Fair at 2:00p.m.


    We need you to support the children at all these events.

    Last Friday a team of Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in a football festival. Our team only lost one game conceding only one goal throughout the festival. Well done children.


    We also had a team of girls from 5 and 6 who played in a cricket festival this week and they enjoyed competing and showed great sportsmanship.

    On Tuesday 25th June we have a team taking part in a Tag Rugby Festival. I am sure the children will give their best and make us proud.


    Non School Uniform Thursday 27th June

    On Thursday 27th June the children are invited to come into school in non- school uniform in return of donations of cakes from each family for our Cake Stall at the Summer Fair.


    Family Picnic

    As mentioned above on Friday 28th June after Sports Day we are holding our annual Family Picnic. Children  will still be able to have a school provided lunch but we are asking parents and carers to let us know in advance which children will require this. This will enable our catering team to prepare meals for those who have requested one so that we can reduce the amount of possible waste.


    If we have to postpone Sports Day due to bad weather we will still be able to provide a school meal for all who need one as we will revert to our normal menu.


    Year 3 Class Mass

    On Wednesday 26th June Fr Jose will be celebrating Mass with Year 3 in their classroom. As with all our liturgy parents are invited to attend.


    New Intake Story Telling sessions

    On Monday it was great to welcome our new reception parents to the school for a new intake meeting. This week it is the children’s turn we are holding 2 story telling sessions for the children.


    On Tuesday 25th June group A will be attending and on Wednesday 26th group B will attend. Both story telling sessions run from 1:30p.m to 2:15p.m.


    St Simon’s Has Got Talent

    On Friday we held the “Live Show” when all our chosen acts performed in front of the whole school. The judges had to decide who will be the four acts to take part in our “Grand Final” on Tuesday 25th June at 9:00a.m. I must congratulate all who took part there was a great deal of talent on display. The judges did an excellent job in deciding who will take part in the final.


    Our chosen finalists are: Robin, “The Annies”, Amelia and Maddie and King. The school will have great difficulty on Tuesday deciding the overall winner. Parents and carers are invited to attend.


    With best wishes


    Peter McCabe



  • Weekly News 14 June 2024

    Fri 14 Jun 2024

    Dear Parents and Carers


    “It is in the human heart that the kingdom takes root and grows.” Pope Francis


    This has been another busy week with many of our classes taking part in different assessments.


    Year 1 and some of Year 2 having been taking part in the Phonics Screening Check and Year 4 have completed their Multiplication Times Tables Check and some of the other classes have been completing end of year assessments. We are very proud about the way the children have approached the assessments all gave their very best showing great resilience. Well done children.


    St Simon’s Sports Day, Family Picnic and Summer Fair

    On Friday the 28th June we are holding our annual Sports Day followed by a Family Picnic on the field and then our Summer Fair. This is always a very busy but enjoyable day when the whole school gets together to cheer on the children, enjoy a picnic and all the fun of the fair!

    We need you to come along and join the events but more importantly we need volunteers to help run the fair and help out.


    If you can help please can you contact myself, the office or any member of staff.


    Non-Uniform Days

    We are holding a number of non-school uniform days to help provide for some of the stalls on our Summer Fair.

    Many thanks to all who made donations today towards our Colour Raffle these are greatly appreciated.

    Next Friday in return for Non-Uniform Day the pupils are asked to bring in a bottle for our bottle stall. Nice bottles that adults like to drink (in moderation of course) usually sell the most tickets and raise the most money for the school!


    New Intake Meeting

    On Monday 17th June at 6:00p.m we are holding our New Intake Meeting for our new Reception children for September 2024. I always enjoy this meeting as it is the first time we welcome our new parents into the school family.

    Sporting Events

    Mr Hunt has been busy preparing the children for different competitions- This week a team from Year 4 took part in a cricket festival and today children from Year 5 and 6 will have taken part in a football festival. Next week we have a team of Year 5 and 6 girls participating in another Cricket Festival.

    I am always very proud of how well our teams compete because the children always give their very best and show great sportsmanship.


    Mr Macdonald

    On Monday we will be saying farewell to Mr Macdonald one of our support staff who will be leaving us to take up a position in one of the local secondary schools. I would like to thank Mr Macdonald for all his hard work and wish him the very best of luck.  We will of course keep Mr Macdonald in our thoughts and prayers.


    St Simon’s Has Got Talent

    The auditions have almost all been completed and we are all looking forward to “The Live Show” on Friday 21st June at 2:00p.m. “The Live Show” is when the children will get to view the acts and vote for their favourites who will take part in “The Grand Final” on Tuesday 25th June at 9:00a.m.


    I wish all the competitors the very best of luck.


    With best wishes



    Peter McCabe

  • Weekly News Friday 7th June 2024

    Fri 07 Jun 2024

    Dear Parents and Carers


    “We know well that with Jesus, life becomes richer and that with him it is easier to find meaning in everything.” Pope Francis


    Welcome back to the final term of the school year. I hope all managed to get some time to relax and had a good break despite the very unsettled weather.


    Congratulations to our First Holy Communicants

    Congratulations to the following children who made their First Holy Communion recently: Jacob, Hannah, Eva, Mikolaj, Emily and Lena.

    I hope all the children and their families managed to celebrate such a special day in the lives of the children. We will all keep the children in our thoughts and prayers as they continue in their journey of faith.


    Children Singing at Mass for Father’s Day

    The children have been invited to attend 10:00a.m Mass on Sunday 16th June to celebrate Father’s Day. The children’s singing helps to make the celebration that little bit more special and it would be great if as many children as possible could attend.


    Year 5 Attend KCSP Children’s Conference

    On Wednesday 5th June our Year 5 attended our trusts first ever Children’s Conference. Over 800 Year 5 children joined together to take part in a number of workshops with Michael Rosen, writer, poet and broadcaster, Zohab Zee Khan, poet and educator, Lucy Strange, author and Chante Timothy, illustrator.


    This was an incredible day and the children came back buzzing with excitement. Well done to Emiko who received a signed book from author Michael Rosen for the poem she wrote.


    Arts Week

    The work the children produced during our Arts Week is on display in our school Hall and in the school library. There is the opportunity for parents and carers to view the work on Tuesday 11th June from 8:30a.m until 8:55a.m.


    Year 5 Taster Day St Anselm’s

    On Wednesday 12th June Year 5 will visit St Anselm’s Secondary School in Canterbury on a “Taster Day” this is an opportunity for the children to see what life is like in a secondary school. The children will view the school and take part in some taster lessons. This helps the children with their transition to secondary school. Many thanks to Mr Rowarth and his staff at St Anselm’s for providing this opportunity for the children.


    Reception and Key Stage 1 Trip to Wingham Wildlife Park

    On Wednesday 19th June Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be visiting Wingham Wildlife Park. This should be an enjoyable and very educational visit for the children. The school is subsidising the cost of this trip but we still require a donation of £10:00 to go towards covering the costs of transport. All donations need to be paid via Parent Pay Accounts. If you have any difficulty in accessing a Parent Pay account please contact the school office.


    Year R Coming through the Main Entrance

    From Monday 10th June Year R children will be entering the school through the main entrance and not through the Year R gate. This is to help them prepare for when they move onto Year 1 next academic year. There will be familiar adults to help them along with this.


    St Simon’s Has Got Talent

    The auditions have started during lunch times for our annual “St Simon’s Has Got Talent Competition.” The panel of judges are already starting to narrow down the acts for the Live Event which will be held at 2:00p.m on Friday 21st June. We will then hold the Grand Final on Tuesday 25th June at 9:00a.m. Parents are welcome to join us for both events.


    St Simon’s Sports Day, Family Picnic and Summer Fair

    On Friday the 28th June we are holding our annual Sports Day followed by a Family Picnic on the field and then our Summer Fair. This is always a very busy but enjoyable day when the whole school gets together to cheer on the children, enjoy a picnic and all the fun of the fair!


    We need you to come along and join the events but more importantly we need volunteers to help run the fair and help out.


    If you can help please can you contact myself, the office or any member of staff.


    Non Uniform Days

    We are holding a number of non-school uniform days to help provide for some of the stalls on our Summer Fair.


    Friday 14th June an item for our “Colour Raffle” e.g. if your child is in the blue team they could bring in some salt and vinegar Pringles, red team a pack of Kit Kats etc.

    Friday 21st June a bottle of drink for our “Bottle Stall”

    Thursday 27th June cakes for our “Cake Stall” and for teas and coffees.


    With best wishes


    Peter McCabe

  • Weekly News Friday 24th May 2024

    Fri 24 May 2024

    Dear Parents and Carers


    “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” St Thomas Aquinas


    It is very hard to believe that we are now at the end of yet another very busy term and that we will soon be entering term 6 the final term of the school year. How quickly this year seems to be passing.


    The Children Singing in the St Simon’s at Pentecost

    A great big thank you to all the children and their families who attended 10:00a.m. Mass to celebrate the feast of Pentecost. The children certainly sang beautifully and those playing instruments played with great enthusiasm. Well done everyone.


    Arts Week

    The children have been using the book “Wisp A story of hope” by Zana Fraillon and Grahame Baker-Smith as inspiration for their work this week. They have produced some lovely display work both in the classrooms and in the school hall. Once we have managed to get all the completed work up it would be good to be able to invite parents and carers into school to have a look at the work on display.


    Year 6 Transition Visits

    Now that Year 6 have finished their SATS and have been allocated schools we are very pleased to welcome the transition coordinators from their Secondary schools. These visits are usually very successful in helping the children to prepare for their next step in their education.


    Year 5 Registration for Kent Test

    Registration for Year 5 for the Kent Test opens on Monday 3rd June and closes on Monday 1st of July. If Year 5 parents or carers need any advice on this process or aren’t sure if a grammar school is the right place for your child please do not hesitate to contact the school. Parents need to note that Grammar Schools are for children who are in the top 25%.


    Half Term Holiday

    Next week is the half-term holiday a time for some rest and relaxation. I would like to remind parents in Year 4 their children will be taking part in The Multiplication Times Tables test on their return to school after half term.


    Please can parents and carers remind the children to keep working on their times tables.


    Year 1 and some children in Year 2 will be completing the Phonics Screening Check on the week beginning Monday 10th June so please keep up the reading practice over the holiday.


    Congratulations Mrs Morrison

    I am very pleased to inform you that Mrs Morrison is pregnant with her second child. We are all very pleased for Mrs Morrison, her husband and Max their son on this good news. Mrs Morrison is planning on staying with us for the remainder of this academic year and hopes to go off on maternity leave early in the new academic year. Congratulations Mrs Morrison!


    With best wishes


    Peter McCabe

  • Weekly News Friday 17th May 2024

    Fri 17 May 2024

    Dear Parents and Carers

    “The Holy Spirit helps us to view others with fresh eyes, seeing them as brothers and sisters in Jesus, to be respected and loved.” Pope Francis


    This coming Sunday, we will be celebrating a great and joyful feast, Pentecost Sunday. It is the feast of the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church, a gift which we now receive at Baptism, Confirmation, and at Mass. The children are all invited to attend 10:00a.m. Sunday Mass in the parish to support the parishioners in the celebration with their singing.


    Year 2 and Year 6 SATS

    This week Year 6 and Year 2 completed their SATS. The children should all be congratulated on how well they performed during these. They all gave their very best and showed great resilience and a great attitude to this work. Well done children!


    Well done to all the school staff who have worked so hard to prepare the children for the SATS.


    School Football

    The school football team were in action last Friday playing against John Wesley Primary School and despite going 3-0 down at half time the team fought back hard and the game ended up a draw at 3-3. Well done boys.


    The team will be in action again this week playing against St Mary’s on Tuesday 21st May. I am sure that they will give their best.


    Unfortunately, the Football Festival the children were supposed to take part in this Friday has had to be postponed. This was a very disappointing for the children. Hopefully this will be rearranged soon.


    School Meals

    This is a gentle reminder to all parents from our catering company if you have to pay for school meals for your child you need to make sure that you credit your ParentPay Account in advance. They can not provide meals for your child if your account is not in credit.


    Congratulations to our school Kitchen Staff we had a routine inspection from the Environmental Health Officer this week and we have again been given a 5 Star rating. Well done team!


    School Photographs

    On Wednesday 22nd May the school photographer will be visiting to take class photographs of the children. This is always a favourite especially for our Year 6 parents as this is the last chance to have a whole class photograph before the children move off to different secondary schools.


    With best wishes


    Peter McCabe

  • Weekly News Friday 10th May 2024

    Fri 10 May 2024

    Dear Parents and Carers


    “Let us walk together taking care of each other and of Creation, our common home. Above all, take care of people in need.” Pope Francis


    Mass for the Feast of the Ascension

    On Thursday the whole school gathered in the church to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus. The children’s behaviour was excellent and they all sang beautifully. Many thanks to Fr Jose for celebrating the Mass with the school.


    Choir to Sing on Pentecost Sunday

    The children are invited to support the Parish with their singing at 10:00a.m Mass on Pentecost Sunday 19th May. The children’s singing really does make the celebration that little bit more special so we need as many children as possible to attend.


    Next week is Year 6 SATS Week

    Our Year 2 children have been working very hard on their SATS tests and next week beginning Monday 13th is the turn of Year 6. The children have been very well prepared by Miss Wood and Mrs Gibbs and I am sure that they will all give their very best.


    Please can parents and carers make sure the children get plenty of rest over the weekend so that they are all in fine form for next week.


    Reminder Year 5 and Kent Test

    If your child is currently in Year 5, and you intend to apply to a Kent Grammar school, register online at:


    Registration opens on 3 June 2024 and closes at midnight on 1 July 2024.


    For further information please look at the Kent Test leaflet published on the Year 5 Class page on our website. If you require any information regarding your child’s suitability for grammar school please speak to your child’s class teacher or myself.


    Year 5 Geography Field Trip to Victoria Park

    Year 5 will visit Victoria Park on Wednesday 17th May to complete some Geography Field work studying the river. Let’s hope that they don’t put any of the skills learnt in their recent swimming lessons into practice!


    Advance Notice

    On Wednesday 22nd May the school photographer will be visiting to take class photographs of the children. This is always a favourite especially for our Year 6 parents as this is the last chance to have a whole class photograph before the children move off to different secondary schools.


    Warmer Weather

    As the weather gets warmer please can I remind all parents to provide their children with a drinks bottle, sun hat and apply sunscreen before coming into school


    With best wishes


    Peter McCabe

Our Mission and Values

"St Simon's mission is to work, learn, pray and play together to fulfil God's unique plan for each and every one of us."

Read Our Vision & Values

Trust Information

St Simon of England RC Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Simon of England RC Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
