Mental Health and Well-being
Our focus for the year is 'interoception' - thinking about the feelings we have inside our body that help us recognise when we are hungry, thirsty, needing the toilet and how these can affect our emotions.
Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
The Zones of Regulation - Developing understanding of our emotions.
Happy News
Happy News is a newsletter with news and stories from around the world. Read and talk about the "Happy News" every week!
Happy News Newsletter
Keeping your brain healthy...things to try!
Dealing with our feelings...emotional support.
Our world...things that can affect our mental health.
Parent Information about Mental Health and Wellbeing
Year 6 Transition
Family issues...if you are facing any other difficulties, please let us know.
For more information and support, take a look at these websites:
- Mental Health Matters -
- Place 2 be -
- Mid Kent Mind -
- Families Under Pressure -
- Online Support Intervention for Children with Anxiety -!/
- Samaritans - Email or phone 116 123 for 24/7 support 365 days a year
Mental Health Direct
This 24/7 service can arrange for you to speak with a mental health professional for advice and support. They can also advise you about what service to contact to get the support you need. This is a freephone number and callers will not be charged; 0800 995 1000.