School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.
Trust and Academy Policy
- Attendance Policy 2024.pdf
- attendance policy summary letter for parents.pdf
- allergy-management-model-policy (1).pdf
- Behaviour, suspensions and exclusions policy.pdf
- CCTV policy.pdf
- Charging & Remissions Policy .pdf
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Sept 2024.pdf
- Conflicts of Interest Policy.pdf
- Complaints Policy (1).pdf
- Data protection policy.pdf
- educational visits policy.pdf
- Employment of Ex offenders Policy .pdf
- Equality Policy.pdf
- Freedom of Information Policy.pdf
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme.pdf
- Health and Safety policy.pdf
- Information Security Policy.pdf
- model first aid policy 2024b.pdf
- Pupil Premium Policy.pdf
- Procedures for managing safeguarding concerns about staff
- protocols for visiting speakers.pdf
- Records Management Policy .pdf
- SCR and Safer Recruitment Procedure.pdf
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy.pdf
- Volunteer Policy.pdf
- Whistleblowing Policy.pdf
Academy/School Policy
- anti-bullying-policy.pdf
- behaviour-management-2024.pdf
- Bereavement policy 2023.pdf
- St Simon of England RC Primary equality.pdf
- EYFS policy St Simon 2024 (1).pdf
- marking-policy-2024-2025.pdf
- mental-health-policy-september-2023 (1).pdf
- St Simon of England RC Primary School Mobile Phone Policy.pdf
- Photograph and Image policy 2023.pdf
- Doc 3.0 St Simons OPAL Play Policy.docx Draft. Updated. (1) (1).pdf
- Online_safety_December_2023.pdf
- prayer-and-collective-worship-policy-1.pdf
- RE Policy June 24.pdf
- RHE Policy June 23.pdf
- SEN policy Sept 2023.pdf
- School Uniform Policy.pdf
- Unacceptable Behaviour in School.pdf
- st-simons-positive-handling-policy-2024.pdf