Weekly News Friday 7th June 2024
Dear Parents and Carers
“We know well that with Jesus, life becomes richer and that with him it is easier to find meaning in everything.” Pope Francis
Welcome back to the final term of the school year. I hope all managed to get some time to relax and had a good break despite the very unsettled weather.
Congratulations to our First Holy Communicants
Congratulations to the following children who made their First Holy Communion recently: Jacob, Hannah, Eva, Mikolaj, Emily and Lena.
I hope all the children and their families managed to celebrate such a special day in the lives of the children. We will all keep the children in our thoughts and prayers as they continue in their journey of faith.
Children Singing at Mass for Father’s Day
The children have been invited to attend 10:00a.m Mass on Sunday 16th June to celebrate Father’s Day. The children’s singing helps to make the celebration that little bit more special and it would be great if as many children as possible could attend.
Year 5 Attend KCSP Children’s Conference
On Wednesday 5th June our Year 5 attended our trusts first ever Children’s Conference. Over 800 Year 5 children joined together to take part in a number of workshops with Michael Rosen, writer, poet and broadcaster, Zohab Zee Khan, poet and educator, Lucy Strange, author and Chante Timothy, illustrator.
This was an incredible day and the children came back buzzing with excitement. Well done to Emiko who received a signed book from author Michael Rosen for the poem she wrote.
Arts Week
The work the children produced during our Arts Week is on display in our school Hall and in the school library. There is the opportunity for parents and carers to view the work on Tuesday 11th June from 8:30a.m until 8:55a.m.
Year 5 Taster Day St Anselm’s
On Wednesday 12th June Year 5 will visit St Anselm’s Secondary School in Canterbury on a “Taster Day” this is an opportunity for the children to see what life is like in a secondary school. The children will view the school and take part in some taster lessons. This helps the children with their transition to secondary school. Many thanks to Mr Rowarth and his staff at St Anselm’s for providing this opportunity for the children.
Reception and Key Stage 1 Trip to Wingham Wildlife Park
On Wednesday 19th June Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be visiting Wingham Wildlife Park. This should be an enjoyable and very educational visit for the children. The school is subsidising the cost of this trip but we still require a donation of £10:00 to go towards covering the costs of transport. All donations need to be paid via Parent Pay Accounts. If you have any difficulty in accessing a Parent Pay account please contact the school office.
Year R Coming through the Main Entrance
From Monday 10th June Year R children will be entering the school through the main entrance and not through the Year R gate. This is to help them prepare for when they move onto Year 1 next academic year. There will be familiar adults to help them along with this.
St Simon’s Has Got Talent
The auditions have started during lunch times for our annual “St Simon’s Has Got Talent Competition.” The panel of judges are already starting to narrow down the acts for the Live Event which will be held at 2:00p.m on Friday 21st June. We will then hold the Grand Final on Tuesday 25th June at 9:00a.m. Parents are welcome to join us for both events.
St Simon’s Sports Day, Family Picnic and Summer Fair
On Friday the 28th June we are holding our annual Sports Day followed by a Family Picnic on the field and then our Summer Fair. This is always a very busy but enjoyable day when the whole school gets together to cheer on the children, enjoy a picnic and all the fun of the fair!
We need you to come along and join the events but more importantly we need volunteers to help run the fair and help out.
If you can help please can you contact myself, the office or any member of staff.
Non Uniform Days
We are holding a number of non-school uniform days to help provide for some of the stalls on our Summer Fair.
Friday 14th June an item for our “Colour Raffle” e.g. if your child is in the blue team they could bring in some salt and vinegar Pringles, red team a pack of Kit Kats etc.
Friday 21st June a bottle of drink for our “Bottle Stall”
Thursday 27th June cakes for our “Cake Stall” and for teas and coffees.
With best wishes
Peter McCabe